
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Welcome Back Paddywacks..(Even Though You Never Left)

Monday was Monday - Funday! I got to take the rig over to Albany, GA and haul a load and pick up a load at our Favorite Hangout ~ Livi and Company. My daughter and I were on our own journey. Now,  she lives in Panama City Beach and works in Pier Park at a retail establishment as assistant manager. She has to do floor sets for the store and I simply forgot how wonderful that could work as she magically undecorated and redecorated my booth. I was amazed. She said I was too "junked up" and not pleasing to the eye and so she went to town. I would have still been there, 24 hours later, had I not had her to fluff things up. So we then hauled a load of Paddywacks's One of a Kind, eclectic, funky furniture back to our neck of the woods...
Made from old door with mirror and hooks. Perfect for any little spot that needs some attention.

Three Chair Table - Perfect to go behind a couch or anywhere for that fact of the matter

Bar Table with Stools - Base of stool is old tire rim ~ Love this!

Funky little paisley side chair
Come see more furniture and fun accessories from Paddywacks at The Bus Station in Colquitt, GA
Call us 229-758-2646