
Friday, August 20, 2010

New Additions to an Ever Changing Work in Progress...

Will post pictures when I get to the store tomorrow. Busy Friday at The Bus Station and so I had forgotten my battery charger  for the camera but I wouldn't have had time to post the pictures anyway...Stay Tuned!
All Aboard!
My one of a kind charm necklace.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Well not tomorrow but here we are today...

My pictures didn't make the tomorrow deadline but today is as good as any..These are a few of the "before" shots as we get ready to haul in the new/old and create a warm, cozy space for our Bus Station visitors when they saunder in...Colquitt, GA is a great stopover while heading to the beach or south or any place that allows people to cross our path..We welcome you...
Nothing like a wedding hat and veil on a aged horse head...
"Outside the Box" is our Middle Name.
We are "Peanut Proud" in this neck of the woods...
A gentle reminder for us all!

Monogrammed Gifts for Everyone...
Art, Art and the unusual...
Antique Bottles with Vintage Jewels

Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did...Backwards and In High Heels!