We fluctuate, give and take, ebb and flow, put things on the back-burner; only to bring things back, FULL STEAM AHEAD...Does this sound familiar to anyone? I can procrastinate like the best of them and then as the deadline approaches, develop a calm state that even scares me after the fact....My days have been busy here at The Bus Station and developing my new business; Visalus Sciences.
www.visalus.com. As Napoleon Hill said"When the student is ready, the teacher will appear." Well apparently, I was ready and I'm learning fast and furious everyday. I'm loving the business, meeting new people and that's really what it's all about. Not to mention dropping a few pounds, losing inches and getting healthier every step of the way..It makes my heart dance when I can hear another success story realizing that the products that I represent are making a difference in someone's life. I achieved the "Rising Star" status which was actually kind of nice to receive a certificate in the mail along with two achievement pins. It reminds me of my days of old when I worked for a company in PA in the late 80's that sold mobile phones or as we call them today, our lifeline cell phone. Anyway, there were many perks, pins, certificates, plaques, trips and so on..but then something wonderful happened. I became a Mother and all that kind of got tossed aside and was able to become a stay at home Mom to two beautiful daughters; 19 years later, my sales experience back in full swing, I continue... on this journey of wellness, turning people on to an amazing product. It's been an overwhelming month and looking forward to each day with anticipation and gratefulness.
My certificate for Rising Star/Director. |